Sunday, February 05, 2006

Prime Monster's Arrogance--A Recurrence

The arrogant Prime Monster again showed poor, or no, judgment on how to place itself.

The Prime Monster shockingly, inappropriately, daringly referred to our highly revered King in the way any Thai would never do. This is the verbatim translation:

"It won't take many people to force me out of the prime minister seat. Only one person suffices. It is the King. If His Majesty whispers to me and says only one word, "T______, just step down," I will certainly bow to His feet and leave."

How dare you pull His Majesty, who is righteously above anything and over our hearts and heads, down to your low-life, unworthy level? HM is above all else and is too high for your reach.

You, arrogant bastard from hell, are unworthy to show your stupid, ugly, corrupt face in His presence!

His Majesty will NEVER have to stoop to your level! We will tell you OURSELVES!! We don't whisper. We SHOUT and HAVE BEEN SHOUTING that you GET OUT. Yet, you shamelessly ignore. You are still oblivious to your low-life crimimal status.

Pretty soon, not too long from now, you and your kinfolks will end your evil deeds and suffer the very same fate Mussolini, Ceausescu, Marcos, Suharto, Duvalier, Amin, Estrada, etc., had suffered. Just wait and see.

I think you should be punished the ancient way:- the convicted traitor was dragged to the place of execution, hanged by the neck (but not until he was dead), and disembowelled (or drawn) while still alive. His entrails were burned before his eyes. He was decapitated, and his body was divided into four parts (or quartered).

Your head should be impaled on a spike and displayed at the Royal Court, your right arm in the City of Kanjanaburi, your left arm in Ubonratchatani, your right leg in Chiangrai, and the left leg in Yala.

If you are lucky enough to escape public execution, do not expect to live peacefully, for you will be cursed by the 64 million people whom you have robbed. Your name, your family names, and the corrupt evil things you did will be in Thai history FOREVER! You will NEVER ESCAPE from HELL to see the light of day ever again!

I do not want to desecrate the sanctity of His Majesty's mention on this page by writing your name in the same paragraph. In fact, I have never said your name. I don't want to go rinse my mouth after every mention or referral to you low-life hell beast.

The Chief Reptile is also known as the PM. The "P" stands for "Prime, Principal, Prominent, Pathetic, or Pathological"; the "M" comes from "Monster, Moron, Menace, Megamouth, or Maniac." Any combination applies.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

May these bastards rot in Hell

We know the Fat Comrade is behind the website that dares post the most disgusting and most offensive statement to the Thai people.

How dare you touch our beloved King?

How dare you commit such an unspeakable, unthinkable deed?


You traitors, cheaters, liars, crooks, thieves, robbers, murderers, devils, etc...

Haven't you realized that if it hadn't been because of His Majesty, your ancestors wouldn't have prospered here, and you yourselves wouldn't have been educated and given the chance to enjoy your undeserving privilege that you are currently enjoying.

How dare you have the nerve to be on this land?

How dare you call yourselves Thai?

You ungrateful beasts from Hell, you will soon be returned to the abyss where you belong.

May all the Holy Beings who watch over our beloved land and our just King wipe these ungrateful unrepentant communist bastards from the face of the earth.

May these bastards never again escape from the eternal punishment for the crimes they commit against the land on which they were born, against the King of and from whose toil they take advantage and reap benefits, and against the people whose trust they betray.

May their descendants suffer the consequences of their fathers' sins for all eternity.

Friday, January 27, 2006

The Pathetic Megamouth sold off assets

Last week, the Pathetic Megamouth sold off its family fortune, amassed through stealing from the country and amending laws for personal gains, to the Business Branch of the Singaporean Government.

The assets included all the telecommunications business that the PM, aka the Compulsive Liar or the Pathological Embezzler, acquired during its early political career starting in 1992.

The Act, previously stating that foreign investors cannot hold more than 25% of the total shares, was changed to allow 49% foreign shareholders and put into effect on Saturday, January 20, 2006. The sale of national treasures-turned-private properties was signed, sealed, and delivered on Tuesday, January 23, 2006. Thanks to the corrupt Congress for getting the change done in time!

This scandalous business deal was expertly advised by the smartest, yet most evil, tax lawyer, so that ZERO tax was to be paid to the country, and conveniently accommodated by the Finance Minister, who was once an employee of the PM at its private company. The current Finance Minister was this same man who took the news of the 1997 Baht devaluation to the Chief Reptile, then a minor politician. This helped make an unthinkably huge profit for the crook--on the life, blood, and tears of its fellow countrymen.

May their days in Hell come soon. You will see that Hell officials can't be bought!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Mr./Madam Ambassador, Please Don't Laugh Yet

The Chief Reptile, or Pathetic Moron, today invited foreign ambassadors from some 30 countries to witness its stupidity at the ridiculous show, An Idiot's Hilarious Telethon, in a northeastern district. How shameless! It didn't even have a clue to hide its low mentality!!

Great move, MORON!!

Yes, these international dignitaries can report our national disgrace back to their countries, in fact to the world community. It is embarrassing for us. Everyone in the world can now see that Thais are led by a Moron whose brain is indeed made of excrement. (Sorry folks, it's so gross, but it's true! See my point??)

No, please, sirs and madams, we are not stupid. Please just laugh at the Moron. It used this perfect opportunity to gain credibility for itself and to use your excellencies as respectable supporting sidekicks. We hope you didn't mind much, for at least you were on national TV!!

I suddenly remember the old proverb: "Such is the government, such is the people." I then realize how idiotic we Thais look to you!?!

Again, I want to tell you: we are not a population of nincompoops
Only some of us, mostly the peasants and the less educated, were naive and uninformed. You can't blame them. They had unknowingly voted for crooks in suits. Educated ones know that almost all politicians are swindlers and embezzlers. Believe us, we know.

That's why we, who didn't vote for the crooks or who have finally woken up, are inviting you also to witness the real Road Show on February 4. That's when you will see who the real owner of this lovely country is.

Mass Rally scheduled for February 4

My goodness, I only predicted that five days ago! (See my first post down below.)

People who cannot tolerate a thoroughly corrupt government are scheduled to meet on February 4 around King Rama V Statue in BKK. This peaceful mass rally is to bring a national petition to His Majesty The King via His Chief Privy Councilor, General Prem Tinasulanond, our former revered Prime Minister.

Yes, we have endured despicable activities of the Prime Megamouth and its clans for 5 years now. We can no longer withstand its insult on our intelligence!!

There have been messages from Thais who live overseas stating that some of them will be coming. There was a particular one from Ontario, Canada. Welcome home, patriotic folks!!

I will try to be there at the Grand Park, too. It's time for me to round some friends up.

I only hope there will be no bloodshed. We only want the blood of the evil Principal Megamouth!

To you all peace lovers around the world, your prayers are urgently needed and most welcome!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Prominent Moron's Unbelievable Insensitivity

Yesterday, there was an aviation accident in which a Royal Thai Air Force pilot trainer was killed. The accident occurred in the provincial hometown of the leader of one of the opposition parties.

The foul-mouthed Chief Reptile, aka Prominent Moron, upon learning of the accident and instead of expressing sadness and offering condolences, made an inappropriate and unforgivable joke regarding the incident. Along with the Reptile, several large lizards of the same species joined in with their similarly low-life comments. And worse, this episode was televised!

How can the Head of Government be so carelessly insensitive? Does it not realize its position and responsibility? Does it have no clue at all about what should or should not be said? How can it be so heartless, senseless, and brainless? Once again, its true color is witnessed by millions.

This is another episode that proves that this Moron doesn't think before it opens its mouth. It may not have a brain for that purpose after all.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Arrogant Prime Monster's Idiotic Road Show

This week the arrogant Chief Reptile, aka Prime Monster, is on a week-long road show, to which I named "An Idiot's Hilarious Telethon," in the hope to secure its popularity in the region and to promote its stupidity.

Instead of getting respect from destitute peasants in this provincial district, the Reptile has become a laughing stock to the whole country for showing its own ignorance. It thinks getting out there and offering ridiculous and moronic advice would bring about admiration and solutions to people's problems. All it has been doing is giving away MONEY. Most of its advice is so absurd and inapplicable. The disaster of the stupid road show all stemmed from its ignorance. Doesn't it know that people want REAL solutions and help, not a hand-out? How can it not know what a BIG MORON it is revealing itself to be??? Why didn't its surrounding pet lizards whisper into its ears that it is showing the world what an IDIOT it is.

Poor these peasants... Their innocence was capitalized by the cunning Illusionist. They got duped by the Chief Reptile.

Everyone knows its real motives. This publicity stunt, funded by taxpayers' money, is nothing but a ploy to divert public attention away from many real and more serious problems facing the country.

After this week's hype, the peasants will still be as destitute as they have always been. The Chief Reptile got its election campaign on the expense of taxpayers' money--again!

When will the Chief Reptile be put out of misery?? I am waiting for the day when Heaven will annihilate it and its clans from this land's secred ground...

I am ashamed to be living in a country that is run by gluttonous reptiles--large and small.

P.S. All the "it and its" here refer to The Reptile.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Pathetic Menace's Demise

I can now foresee the most spectacular demise of the Chief Reptile, aka Pathetic Menace, after its equally spectacular fall from power.

Just read up on the demises of Benito Mussolini, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam, and Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania. These dictators' guilt can't even be compared with the guilt of the reptilian bastard that is running my country!!

Public sentiment, outcry, and uprising will cleanse this beautiful country. The 5-year reign of this pathetic crook, who is the most corrupt, immoral, arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant, and gluttonous Dictator, will be put to an end by the very same people who put it in power...

The above photo was a scene from the public display of Mussolini's corpse, along with a few others. The Italian Fascist Dictator was captured and executed on the previous day. The bodies were brought to and hung in Milan. More gruesome photos can be found on the internet.

Corruption and Nepotism on the Grandest Scale

Never before has our country seen this level of corruption and nepotism. It's so unprecedented. And it's definitely on the grandest scale ever!!

The methods used by all the BEASTS in the Cabinet, and their CRONIES FROM HELL in the Parliament and Congress, are the most thorough, complete, untraceable, and extensive by any standard. I hope and pray that no other country on this earth will ever have to go through what we are witnessing and experiencing right now. We will soon be known as The Second Argentina!

The Chief Reptile--or Satan in Disguise, or Principal Megamouth, aided by its evil cronies, had already allotted national treasures among its family members, depriving peasants of future economic prosperity. Its circles of small reptilian cronies also prospered beyond their wildest dream.

They shut down all the investigative channels that are normally granted to both governmental and NGO agencies. They embezzle and siphon the country's reserve to their own pocket. Any major projects, of any budget size, are dispensed among themselves via their private companies that put in (unchallenged) bids.

They appointed their cronies to head strategic organizations. They took total control of national media. People who were not initially parts of their circles eventually sold out to their money and promises of prominence and power.

Corruption is out of control. It is so prevalent, from the lowest to the highest level.

There's no cure in sight...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Soon-to-be Political and Economic Turmoil

I have a hunch. In fact, many people around here have one, too.

There will soon be a POLITICAL and ECONOMIC TURMOIL in Thailand.

There will be a CIVIL UNREST here in BKK.



Just you wait and see.