May these bastards rot in Hell
We know the Fat Comrade is behind the website that dares post the most disgusting and most offensive statement to the Thai people.
How dare you touch our beloved King?
How dare you commit such an unspeakable, unthinkable deed?
You traitors, cheaters, liars, crooks, thieves, robbers, murderers, devils, etc...
Haven't you realized that if it hadn't been because of His Majesty, your ancestors wouldn't have prospered here, and you yourselves wouldn't have been educated and given the chance to enjoy your undeserving privilege that you are currently enjoying.
How dare you have the nerve to be on this land?
How dare you call yourselves Thai?
You ungrateful beasts from Hell, you will soon be returned to the abyss where you belong.
May all the Holy Beings who watch over our beloved land and our just King wipe these ungrateful unrepentant communist bastards from the face of the earth.
May these bastards never again escape from the eternal punishment for the crimes they commit against the land on which they were born, against the King of and from whose toil they take advantage and reap benefits, and against the people whose trust they betray.
May their descendants suffer the consequences of their fathers' sins for all eternity.
How dare you touch our beloved King?
How dare you commit such an unspeakable, unthinkable deed?
You traitors, cheaters, liars, crooks, thieves, robbers, murderers, devils, etc...
Haven't you realized that if it hadn't been because of His Majesty, your ancestors wouldn't have prospered here, and you yourselves wouldn't have been educated and given the chance to enjoy your undeserving privilege that you are currently enjoying.
How dare you have the nerve to be on this land?
How dare you call yourselves Thai?
You ungrateful beasts from Hell, you will soon be returned to the abyss where you belong.
May all the Holy Beings who watch over our beloved land and our just King wipe these ungrateful unrepentant communist bastards from the face of the earth.
May these bastards never again escape from the eternal punishment for the crimes they commit against the land on which they were born, against the King of and from whose toil they take advantage and reap benefits, and against the people whose trust they betray.
May their descendants suffer the consequences of their fathers' sins for all eternity.
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